Monday, August 11, 2008

You Are Embarrassing Me..

this dude is an embarrassment.. this dude interrupted my viewing last night of watching the Olympics.. for some reason NBC and Bob Costas felt the need to interview this dude.. something about him being the President or something.. who knows.. but this mickey fickey is just plain stupid..

it's embarrassing that the U.S. has to call this dude its President.. that this dude is known across the world to be the most powerful man in the U.S.. that this dude some how has the ability to call the shots.. i don't know if y'all were watching, but that man couldn't answer his own complete thought, let alone a question from Bobby Boy.. and that damn look/smirk? it's ridiculous.. instead of tapping the mic, i always want to tap his head and be on some "is this thing on?".. i'm just sayin'..

i can't pinpoint what he said that had me mad, because i think it was everything that he said and didn't say that made me mad.. it was him breathing that made me mad.. it was him on my tv that made me mad.. if there was one moment i wanted the picture to go out, it was that moment..

all i know is that we have to garner much more respect across the world with a guy that's as intelligent as Barack is.. i know the world has been like, "i've been talking to myself for the last 8 years, cuz this idiot don't have the lights on upstairs"..

i'm just sayin'..


C3 said...

I saw it... I was numb. Sure he's dumb but we let him get elected twice. That makes me feel like I was slacking. If cats ain't awake now they deserve what they will get with McCain.

Herm said...

He was bad, but we survived him. Good thing for separation of powers...

Barack seems like one of the more "high IQ" types that we have seen in a while. But that can get you into trouble as well . . .