Friday, August 8, 2008

Scary Sights..

ok, so the photos from the Beijing Olympics came out.. this is just one of them.. is it me, or is this a scene from X-Files or some other scary futurist alien movie? Taken, anyone? V? (ok, that's old school, so y'all might not all get that)..

now i realize that this is after some fireworks went off, but dang if it didn't look scary.. a few of them did.. since i debuted that apocalypse joint the other day, this reminds me of it.. but, i'm excited about the Olympics.. i always planned on being there, then Bush happened, and then the economy tanked, and then i had to realize that there was no way i could make my first visit to that country.. but it will happen in its own time.. i know that.. but i will be watching the US give it to cats across the board.. basketball, swimming (Phelps owns that pool, dude was bred for that), track.. we got that.. soccer? yeah, i'm praying..

but yeah, i'm excited about the Olympics, but i don't think the rest of the US is.. for the first time that i can remember, there isn't much around that i see people excited about it.. maybe it's Bush.. maybe it's the foreclosures.. maybe it's the economy.. i just don't feel the love..

am i wrong?

1 comment:

C3 said...

Dude, I know the air is heavy over there but that's looking like some end of the world ish.

I kinda feel like there wasn't enough pre-olympics hype. We didn't get to know too many of the athletes. After Phelps, a few of the track dudes, Dara Torres and the Basketball team, I wouldn't know who to cheer for.

So, yeah I ain't really feeling the love... def got other things on my mind but I'm just not connected to it yet... maybe that will change.