Monday, August 4, 2008


this is my new ish.. each week i'm going to try to put together more signs that the world is coming to an end.. in my inaugural edition, i'm just going off things i meant to blog about, but never got to it.. enjoy.. feel free to add your own..

  1. Sperm Donors being forced to pay child support.. Now if this ain't a sign, i don't know what is.. i was watching Good Morning America today and they had a feature on this.. dude even had a contract with the person he donated his seeds to, saying that he wouldn't have to provide financial support, and the judge said that wasn't enough.. so i started to listen more, and i know some of these cases hinge on the sperm donor having some form of communication with the child.. but still, since when is a binding agreement no longer binding? and isn't the ish called "sperm donation"?? in this recession, men are going to have to find another way to get some bread in their pocket.. $20 ain't worth 18 years of child support.. i'm just sayin'..
  2. McCain meets with Daddy Yankee to discuss, of all things, immigration rights.. Nigga please.. Daddy Yankee? Can someone check to make sure this dude is legal? McCain depicts Barack to be a cross between Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton, and then flies Daddy Yankee out to meet him? i would've loved to be the fly on that wall, to see McCain (already hard of hearing) trying to understand Gasolina.. was there an interpreter there??
  3. Gas prices.. when you have a $10 bill, and you can only get 2 gallons? yea, that's an issue.. i sat over the weekend contemplating if i was going to spend $20 for some gas.. i decided not to (i'll get some tomorrow), cuz i was like, that will not even move my gauge.. i'm not feeling this ish.. on another note, it was nice of that one church that bought $15,000 worth of gas (i know they got a nice write-off) and sold it for $1 a gallon for up to 10 gallons.. now that's what i'm talking about.. you could have my $300 check, if you allow me to be able to have $1 a gallon gas for 2 months..
  4. Luke has a reality show.. nuff said..
  5. i'm actually going to watch the Teen Choice Awards tonight, just to see that dance battle.. sigh..

1 comment:

C3 said...

Ssdly, I think there will be no shortage of material for this series.

No. 1 is sick... I thought it was bad enough that dudes still have to pay, even if a paternity test proves the child belongs to the next dude, if they already started to pay support... this is next level crazy.

I'll add the fact that Jonny can't read but, thanks to video games, has the hand-eye coordination of a fighter pilot.