Monday, June 9, 2008

The Questions..

y'all know the drill.. don't try to answer these, unless you must.. comment as you please.. just some rhetorical questions that's my ode' to hip-hop..

  1. Is it me, or did Bush Sr. sell his soul/son to the devil? I mean, the war, gas prices, the economy, his stupidity, etc.. How can your son be that bad?
  2. How can anyone not believe in global warming with the tropical storms, fluctuations in temperatures (my east coast people know that this 100 degree weather is no joke), and LA being a "green" state, yet you can't see through the smoke.. i mean smog..?? - somehow that was a question..
  3. Was Ellen DeGeneres a Black man in her prior life? i'm just sayin'..
  4. Would somebody find something to put in in Elisabeth Hasselback's (The View) mouth? my zipper is stuck..
  5. Did anyone really think the Lakers would be down 2-0 right now in the NBA Finals?
  6. Was anyone other Bulls' fan happier than me when it was announced that Doug Collins wouldn't be the next coach?
  7. What happened to hip-hop?
  8. Is it hip-hop or hip hop?
  9. How quick did Bill Clinton go from the 1st Black President to a southern white man?
  10. Is there a funnier series of commercials than the e-trade commercials with that baby? i mean, that clown one? why can't i see that enough?


Anonymous said...

Yes, Bush is the Anti-Christ!!!! LMAO!!! I thought you knew!!!!

....I thought it was Hip-Hop

Herm said...

"They were determined not to let me beat them tonight," Kobe said. "I saw three, four bodies every time I touched the ball."

LOL. There were 17 of them, and they all had guns. But I managed to fight them off . . .

Giii said...
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