Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shut the Bleep Up..

normally i don't do this.. but really?? for real? in the words of Riley (Boondocks, come back), "that's what's really hood, huh? that's what's really hood?!"

saying your RNC speech in your latest Klan rally?? that's how it goes down?? only to see FoxNews report that you finally had your moment and spoke with assertion? really? is that what assertion is? being able to raise your voice above a whisper while finding a way to stay alive?? really?

did you really think a show like the Daily Show wouldn't peep that either and make fun of you? really? you actually had the audacity to spit the end of your RNC speech again? line for line? word for word?? and the media doesn't eat you alive for that??

i guess that really is hood..

Shut the eff up and get off my tv.. i hope you have an accident on stage tonight.. and not the "that one" accident.. one more of those, and you might mess around and find yourself missing.. keep playing.. there are a bunch of "that ones" walking around free nowadays.. read up on your current affairs.. i mean, i know your girl doesn't read or even know the name of newspapers, but you should be smarter than her.. shoot, who isn't??

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