Tuesday, January 15, 2008

AOG Series: United

This weekend, something happened that even I couldn’t believe.. Something that I might’ve joked about, prayed about, begged about, but it really happening?? Shoot, that was a pipe dream.. But then it happened.. Barack won South Carolina..

Now, I’m not all that concerned about him winning or losing.. Well, at least not that much.. What I was concerned about was whether people would join together to vote, or if they would split the vote.. But, when the polls came back, they had percentages of 80 and 82 for Black women and men that voted for Barack.. That was the amazing part to me.. That Black people actually joined together and instead of bringing one another down, they brought someone up (someone not named Oprah cuz we love and are afraid of crossing Ms. OWN).. That might not mean much for y’all but it definitely does for me.. I probably would go another 20-30 years believing that we are some of the most non-brand loyal people on the planet.. I mean, y’all know we’re brand loyal.. We’ll stick with Nike, even if Phil came out saying that he just likes us cuz we jump higher and run faster.. We’ll rock Tommy no matter what.. We’ll listen to Dr. Phil without questioning his resume.. But let there be a Dr. Leroy.. Not happening.. Just that name alone will make us skeptical..

So yea, this was big for me.. In the ways of an AG, I have to give props to all of the people down in South Carolina.. They proved me wrong.. Made me eat my thoughts and dreams, cuz y’all know I really didn’t voice it.. In a time where candidates were stealing lines from Barack like he was Biggie, I wasn’t sure if we would listen.. Cuz, I’ll listen to an old Biggie song on some “Yo, what song did he snatch that line from”, then realizing I’m dead wrong for even forgetting that Biggie said it first.. It’s like Barack has his stuff being leaked ahead of time nowadays.. I’m just sayin’..

I’m just proud right now.. I was out in Cali doing cartwheels with my boy when we received the news that Barack pulled it off.. And it wasn’t for Barack.. This election is bringing us together.. Uniting us to an extent.. Making us read more about these elections and figure things out week by week.. I know I’ve learned about caucuses, Super Tuesday, platforms, etc, way more than I cared to learn at any other point in my life.. I KNOW that if Barack wasn’t in the race, I’d be just as ignorant as I was before.. I would care less.. But, dude has us learning.. Barack needs a holiday after this, no matter if he wins or loses.. Cuz he is making more people read than any NBA Read to Achieve program combined with those old Book It joints that we used to be a part of so we could get a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.. Don’t front, you know you were doing that!! Made your mom all happy, cuz she didn’t have to cook.. Then you would fight with your sibling over one corner of that personal pan pizza.. Ahh, those were the days..

So, I wonder.. Or I’m led to wonder.. Will this last? Will we stay united?? Does seeing South Carolina do it, motivate more people around the country to do it? And since when did a NY Times backing mean anything? Who was backed in 2004? 2000? People be making stuff more than it is.. Really? They back Hillary and I’m supposed to go with her? I mean, maybe if TROUBL backed her I’d think a bit harder, but the Times? People were acting like she won the Presidency.. I find it funny how people try to steal thunder from others.. Nothing new, huh?

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