“The game ain’t the same no more..”
You can probably quote a whole bunch of rappers, gangster movies, and people around the way for that line.. I’ll go ahead and quote myself.. I’m jealous of the old school gangsters.. The Malcolms.. Jeff Forts.. Mikes.. Back then rules meant more.. I mean, you could change the rules, but you better have had a strong support system if you planned on doing that.. Or just a mean idea.. Nowadays? Shoot, you don’t need nothing but a mouthpiece.. Not too many more, “is he serious?” Or “negro please?” Or “no way Jose!” Or whatever term people used to shut nonsense down immediately..
Nowadays? People are either changing the rules on a whim’s notice, or there just aren’t too many rules left.. It’s almost like anything goes.. Honestly, I can’t stand it.. Your word used to be your bond.. Now words mean nothing as we see Webster adding words to the dictionary that don’t belong.. Irregardless, I’m bitter at our social landscape.. I conversate with people that really think conversate is a word.. That’s cool, but when I let you in that you sound ridiculous (but I say it in a nice way), you laugh it off and keep going with it.. Because nowadays nobody is straight anymore.. We all playing with the rainbow..
Yellow dudes raise their voice to you in public, but would cross the state line if they saw you in the street.. The Blues don’t bleed the same blood we bleed.. They make up sob stories that were never true, cuz they can.. Get away with it, that is.. The Reds end up stealing elections and running countries into the ground for 8 years at a time.. Telling so many lies that they have to laugh as they say it.. State of the Union address, Post 911 speeches, War updates.. Peep the chuckles in each of those moments.. Wasn’t nothing funny.. Orange people just look funny.. Lying about their complexion like we can’t tell they tan.. Orange is not a pigment of our imagination.. We don’t believe you, you need more people.. Nah, nevermind that.. It’s enough of y’all going around, and y’all got shows on TV and stuff.. I’m just sayin’..
Green dudes make deals that they never plan on owning up to.. Them green dudes are the craziest right now.. They lie about doing business with you, because they can.. They run the businesses and keep that green paper in their pocket.. They build companies and then milk them before leaving the employees left on Gilligan’s Island.. Then they get caught, get their people (other Green backs) to work(out) the system, and they get to go to Arizona in a prison that is nicknamed “The Biltmore” or “Camel(green)back”.. None of it helping any of us struggling to be a song on the Kweli album..
All I’m saying is, can we have the rainbow back? Can we just be straight with one another like they used to be back in the day? (props to that comedian for saying that joke!).. Can’t we all get along and be truthful to one another? We can tell little black lies, but nothing blatant.. Shouldn’t the truth set you free? If we keep lying to each other, won’t we remain locked up in this mess?
In other words, if you gotta live a lie, then you can’t be a gangster.. Peep that I said “live” and not “tell”.. There is a difference.. Educate one another about our history (and your history, and her’s too).. We weren’t always like this.. Do your research, cuz an AG would.. No lie..
R.I.P. Big Brother – Love you..